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Shandong SMA PHARMATECH Co., Ltd. is located at High & New Technolo🧔gy Zone, Zibo City, Shandong province, established 🦋in 1995. The predecessor ZIBO IMA XINHUA PHARMATECH Co., Ltd. was a joint-venture cooperated by Italy IMA S.p.A. and Shandong SHINVA Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.


Since the establishment, by virtue of IMA's global leading brand solid dose technology, thanks for the first class manufacturing system, excellent technological base, strict and effi🧜cient management, precise and pragmatic working style, we succeed in not only the sales of perfect solid dose equipments but also the timely and thoughtful pre-sales & after-sales services, and the technical consultancy.


SMA has obtained great reputation in the pharmaceutical industry sector. After the reorganization, still as a joint-venture company, SMA will inherit IMA's solid dose technology and keep on moving by independent innovation in the future development. Based on the requirements from market and CGMP standard, we will supply constantly to all our customers efficient, reliable, qualified but r♔easonable priced solid dose equipments, automatic intergrated solutions and comprechensive services.


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