




  • 2022年

    评为国内级专精特新“小巨人”单位。 Awarded as a national level specialized, refined, and innovative "little giant" enterprise.

  • 2020年

    入榜深圳省瞪羚企业公司的,公司的般迁之尊贤路2989号新园区规划。 Selected as a gazelle enterprise in Shandong Province, the company relocated to a new park at 2989 Zunxian Road.

  • 2019年

    机构中低端生物制药机器设备工业园开工仪式施工。 In 2019, High-end Pharma tech industrial park has been started constructi

  • 2017年

    工厂与芬兰ANDOCK在密封传输数据邻域开始了战略布局达成合作。 In 2017 SMA start the strategy cooperation with Germary ANDOCK in the field of isolated material transfer.

  • 2016年

    ZLAB冲剂机、DG120干法纪粒机等的美国上市,平台型成了完全的试验型固态药物整体上来解决工作方案。 In 2016, launch the ZLAB capsule filling machine,DG120 Roller Compactor into market,and SMA can provide complete experimental solid dosage integrated solution.

  • 2015年

    密封型气体药物大体搞定方案怎么写面市,有时候用第二方v认证,达到OEB4游戏等级特殊要求。 In 2015, launch the isolated contaiinment solid dosage integrated solution into market which conforms to the OEB4 level request and certified by the thied party.

  • 2014年

    2014 集团公司的改制为贵州新马生物制药准备十分有限集团公司的。 In 2014, the company restructured to SHANDONG SMA PHARMATECH CO.,LTD.

  • 2012年

    集团公司逐渐开始湿法纪粒机和流化床的国内化本职工作。 In 2012, Wet Granulator & Fluid Bed localization development work started, the first Granulating line successfully developed ;

  • 2010年

    新公司的迁址至淄博高新水平区化北路看中新水平管理中心,人才引进IMA新公司的PERFIMA有孔包衣机货品。 In 2010, the company removed to China-Italy New Tech Zone Located at Huabei Road, IMA PERFIMA Coating Machine was introduced to produce;

  • 2009年

    MINI/MIDI型号上升机确认DNV颁布CE物品认证服务资格证,公司申办了高新技術技術公司,并根据名单公示。 In 2009, MINI/MIDI series Lifting Machine acquired CE certificate issued by DNV, The company passed through High &New Technology Enterprise Certification.

  • 2008年

    GS物料系列无孔包衣机要先拿到DNV授于CE物料审核职业证书。 In 2008, GS series solid wall pan Coating Machine acquired CE certificate issued by DNV.

  • 2007年

    S250系压片机拿得DNV授予CE物料身份验证服务合格证,公司的在ISO9001的质量维护体系建设身份验证服务质量核审;全资双方彼此第三步增资,股本比例怎么算调低为西班牙伊马80%。新华诊疗20%。 In 2007, S250 series Tabletpress Machine acquired CE Certificate issued by DNV, the company passed ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification; Investment was increased, The ratios of investment changed to IMA 80%, SHINVA 20%;

  • 2005年

    ZANASI品类冲剂充填机授予DNV发放CE成品v认证资格证,实现目标國產化冲剂机和GS包衣机返销加拿大IMA,并已经开始VIMA增强机的制造出。 In 2005, ZANASI series Capsule Filling Machine acquired CE Certificate issued by DNV, Capsule filling machines & GS coating machines which made in China were exported to IMA Italy;VIMA Lifting Machine manufacture work started;

  • 2004年

    人才引进Kilian压片机品牌,开启加工铸件试产和制做岗位;开启85型口服胶囊充填机进囗的加工铸件制做岗位;开启GS包衣机德国进口化试产岗位。 In 2004, Tabletpress Machine was introduced from KILIAN, Spare parts manufacture & assembly work started; Z85 Capsule filling machine assembly work started by use of imported parts; GScoating machine localization development work started;

  • 2003年

    由荷兰伊马和新华医疗卫生夫妻双方注资新建淄博伊马新华制作药品的设备比较有限装修公司,夫妻双方注资比率为82%和18%,原合资品牌公司一步一步归入统一化加载。 In 2003, ZIBO IMA XINHUA PHARMATECH CO.,LTD was created by Italy IMA & Shandong SHINVA, the ratios of investment are 82% & 18%,the original joint venture(ZIBO IMA MACHINERYMANUFACTURE CO.,LTD.) was merged into the new company and ran togerther.

  • 2002年

    子公司化工区搬走至淄博高新技术区裕桥化工本园。 In 2002, the company removed to ZIBO High&New Tech Zone YUQIAO Industrial Park.

  • 2001年

    珠海陈乃吉某先生加入控股权质押,企业的合资企业方变成珠海伊马远东和新华医院所占控股权质押分离为60%和40%。 In 2001, Hongkong Mr.Chen NaiJi quit the investment, the joint venture partners changed to IMAHONGKONG FAR-EAST & SHANDONG SHINVA, the ratios of investment are 60%&40%.

  • 1996年

    单位所采用奥地利伊马国际公司的最先进开发科技和阅历,进口商重点精密五金零核心部件,開始拆卸IMA-ZANASI系列表全智能式胶襄充填机及某些整套搭配装备。 From 1996, ZIBO IMA based on IMA group’s advanced manufacture technology & experience,imported critical precise spare parts, started to assemble IMA-ZANASI series Automatic Capsule filling machine & relevant accessories.

  • 1995年

    由珠海伊马远东和新华医疗管理同时珠海陈乃吉老师按份共有入资创立成为淄博伊马新华机器制作受限机构,入资配比分离为54%、36%和10%。 In 1995, ZIBO IMA XINHUA MACHINERY MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD. was created by IMA HONGKONG FAR-EAST group、SHANDONG SHINVA& HONGKONG Mr.Chen NaiJi, the ratios of investment are 54%36%&10%.

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